maandag 20 september 2010

Brachen Siedlung Tangoshow & Salon3 oktober Arnhem

In the context of the programme of Ruhr as Cultural Capital 2010, Doble Ocho persents a tangoproduction on three different locations in Holland and Germany in September & October. This special production is realized through a cooperation between German and Dutch tangodancers. On all three locations there will be a possibility to dance after the performance.

Auf dem Kulturfestival Brachen-Siedlung präsentieren Arnheim und Nimwegen das Beste und Interessanteste, was die Gelderländische Grenzregion auf dem Gebiet von Kunst und Kultur zu bieten hat. Das Brachlandfestival findet an vier Wochenenden statt; das erste Wochenende in Nimwegen, danach zwei Wochenenden in Duisburg und abschließend ein Wochenende in Arnheim.

Uber die tango show„Verbindung“ ist das Leitmotiv im argentinischen Tango. Eine ausgezeichnete Metaphor für eine niederländisch-deutsche Zusammenarbeit. In dieser Vorstellung bewegt man sich gemeinsam, tauscht sich aus und werden die Grenzen von Sprache und Tanz erkundet. Nach der Vorstellung ist die Bühne frei für alle Tangueros und Tangueras aus den Niederlanden und Deutschland. Ein Tango DJ legt auf und es darf getanzt werden!

- Arnhem 3 oktober
tangoshow : 14.40 - 15.00
tangosalon 15.00 - 17.00
Locatie: Meijnerswijk 5
NEXT show & salon Duisburg Landschaftspark 26 sept
15.00 - 18.00 free entrance
Arnhem, 3 october 15.00 - 18.00 Meinerswijk

zondag 19 september 2010

Orquesta Tipica Ciudad Baigon extra concert in Eindhoven 10-10-10

Ciudad Baigon

21st century. A new generation. A need slowly seeping through. The concept of Tradition starts to work no longer as a mirror, but as a bridge towards the unexplored. This formula brought about real team work, which forged the Typical Tango Orchestra: a formation responsible for The Golden Age of Tango Music. Henceforward, the task was to perceive the new society and to produce accordingly. Also, to explore urban folklore and arrive at two mandatory instances: to create the nonexistent and to boost what was already in existence, in the pursuit of excellence. To discover that social language in constant distortion; the same language that meanders generating new forms.

To discover the intangible logic which hangs to every breeze. And as a consequence, our first request: Permiso (Excuse me) - the first Tango composed by Ciudad Baigón : our opening gesture; and as an aftermath, our first album Ciudad Baigón. Then came the strategies to inaugurate new audiences; to perform street tango in Buenos Aires (with a piano on the sidewalk, literally!) Soon after that came our first encounter with the lands of origin: twelve musicians experiencing their initiation rites around Europe: Paris, Prague, Berlin, Milan, Zürich.

And on return, the big question: what..s going on with Tango today? And the answer opens up new projects: the era of rush without a substance must come to an end. We must find the pillars of tradition but ignore traditionalism; and generate concept. Integrate. Investigate the city..s past history. And then, the breakthrough: Destierro –our second album; and the same idea lives on in new tango after tango. We find out who we are; we arrange tango masterpieces, challenging the established culture; we celebrate each revival.

And then, we revisit them over and over again.Origin of western music, finishing line after over a century of blending Europe and America. And from then on, the last rung (rather the first of our extended, new phase): to conceive a new space for this current, this generation; to inaugurate the Ciudad Baigón nights. To develop this concept and impregnate it with life. In short, to conjugate Tango in the present tense.

start salon 17.00
start concert : about 19.00
entrance : 5 euro
Location : Scala, Eindhoven, Kanaalstraat 6

Tipo Tango Eindhoven
info on myspace

donderdag 9 september 2010

Tangosalon en optreden tijdens Nijmeegs Uitfestival 10-12 september

Doble Ocho presenteert een tangodansproductie met vier dansparen uit Nederland en Duitsland tijdens het Nijmeegse Uitfestival 10-12 sept A.S. In het kader van Brachen Siedlung - een rondreizend Kunst- en Cultuur Festival - zal er om 15.00 uur een tango optreden plaatsvinden in het Hunnerpark (achter het Valkhofmuseum) met aansluitend rond 15.30 een gratis tangosalon.

Optreden: 15.00 - 15.20 uur
Salon: 15.30 - 17.30 uur
Toegang is gratis

Voor meer informatie, locatie, volledige programma: klik hier

Doble Ocho presents a tangoproduction with four dancecouples from Holland and Germany during the Uitfestival in Nijmegen. In the context of Brachen Siedlung - a traveling cultural festival - there will be a tangoperformance with an open air tangosalon afterwards. The performance will start at 15.00h in the Hunnerpark (behind the Valkhof Museum).

Performance: 15.00 - 15.20 uur
Salon: 15.30 - 17.30 uur
Free entry

More information: click here

donderdag 2 september 2010

EN LAS SOMBRAS, multi media Tango show at the Castle Amerongen

On 16 September 2010 tango dancer Christiane Palha and (on special invitation) tango dancer Esteban Moreno will present at Castle Amerongen (the Netherlands) a special tribute to tango music and dance, titled: EN LAS SOMBRAS.
This special evening will be the start of a new bimonthly tango tradition at the recently restored castle.
The special combination of music, dance and film offers a highly esthetical and involving story, highlighting the passionate essence of the tango. Guided by the captivating music of amongst others Astor Piazzolla the traditional mystery and improvisations of the tango are shown. The live video projections are inspired by the Argentine poem ‘EN LAS SOMBRAS’ (Manuel Meaños, 1936).
Dancers Christiane Palha and Esteban Moreno combine in cooperation with Gustavo Beytelmann, Andre Heuvelman, Santiago Cimadevilla, Micha Molthoff and video maker Altin Kaftira their artistic qualities, resulting in an evening of synergy and serendipity. With her beauty, history, nature and style Castle Amerongen with her premises offers the perfect location for this special event.


Christiane Palha (Brasil)
Esteban Moreno (Argentina)

Gustavo Beytelmann : piano
Andre Heuvelman : trumpet
Santiago Cimadevilla : bandoneon
Micha Molthoff : violin

website : click here